Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Cyfarfod Cyffredinol blynyddol Cymru X Annual General Meeting

Mi fydd Cyfarfod Cyffredinol CymruX yn cael ei chynnal ar y 4ydd o Ebrill yn Nghynhadledd Plaid Cymru am 12yh. Mi fydd CymruX yn ethol Pwyllgor Gwaith Newydd ar gyfer y flwyddyn 2009 – 2010. Os fyddech a diddordeb i sefyll fel rhan o’r pwyllgor gwaith a fyddech gystal a danfon e bost gyda’r swydd yr ydych a diddordeb ymgeisio amdani i postcymruX@googlemail.com erbyn Nos Sul 29ain o Fawrth. Mi fydd yna wedyn bleidlais yn cael ei chynnal yn y cyfarfod cyffredinol. Cofiwch fod yn rhaid i chi fod yn aelod o GymruX er mwyn i chi allu sefyll ar gyfer y Pwyllgor Gwaith ac i bleidleisio yn y cyfarfod cyffredinol. Mae pob aelod o'r Blaid sydd o dan 30 hefyd yn aelod awtomatig o Gymru X ac felly â'r hawl i bleidleisio.

CymruX General Meeting will be held on the 4th of April in the Plaid Cymru Conference at 12pm. CymruX will be electing a new Exec for 2009-2010. If you are interested in standing for the exec, please send an e mail with the position you would like to apply for to postcymrux@googlemail.com by Sunday 29th of March. The vote will then take place in the GM. Remember you must be a member of CymruX to stand for the Exec and to be able to vote in the GM. All Plaid members under 30 are automatically members of Cymru X and are eligible to vote.

Dyma’r swyddi sydd ar gael – Here are the positions that are available:

Cadeirydd - Chair

Is-Gadeirydd – Vice Chair

Ysgrifenydd - Secretary

Trysorydd - Treasurer

Swyddog Cyswllt – Communications Officer

Swyddog Ymgyrchu – Campaigns Officer

Swyddog Polisi – Policy Officer

Swyddog Y Wasg – Press Officer

Swyddog Menywod – Women’s Officer

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

A report published today (Tuesday) by Universities UK looks at the likely impact that changes to the variable fees system might have on universities, students and government.

The report, Changing Landscapes: future scenarios for variable tuition fees, considers a limited range of future scenarios for variable fees, funding and student support that might apply following the Government’s independent review of fees in 2009.

As part of the review, suggestions have been made to increase tuition fees to £7000 per year, leaving the average student with £32,400 worth of debt after three years of study.

The report can be found here:

We need to increase pressure placed on our elected officials to ensure that this never comes into effect in Wales. Education is a right to all and future undergraduates should not be crippled with debt upon finishing University.

We as Cymru X urge anyone that has not already contacted their AM to do so immediately.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Cymru X against Top-up fees in Wales

Mae CymruX yn fudiaid oedd yn rhannol wedi dod i fodolaeth o ganlyniad i’r frwydr yn erbyn ffioedd dysgu ychwanegol. Roedd cryfder eang y mudiad wedi cyfranni tuag at drechu’r weinyddiaeth Llafur ar y pryd, wedi’i harwain gan bleidiau’r gwrthblaid a’r canlyniad oedd bod gan Gymru polisi tecach ar ffioedd nag unrhyw rhan arall o’r DU.

Rydym eisioes wedi gwneud ein teimladau’n glir. Mae CymruX yn deyrngar i aelodau Plaid Cymru ar lawr gwlad. Credwn na ddylid grwp Plaid Cymru yn y Cynulliad sefyll yn erbyn polisi’r Blaid ar ffioedd dysgu ychwanegol. Rydym ni fel mudiad yn ymroddgar i ymgyrchu’n erbyn ail-gyflwyniad ffioedd dysgu yng Nghymru.

Mae galwadau Adam Price AS am adolygiad cyfreithiol ar yr ymgynghoriad ar cyllido addysg uwch yn alwad yr ydym yn cytuno. Mae’r ymgynghoriad wedi’i gwarthnodi’n ffars gan myfyrwyr. Gwnaethpwyd ymgynghoriad yn ddistaw, dylai cyrff myfyrwyr wedi cael cyfle go iawn o chwarae rhan llawn yn unrhyw ymgynghoriad. Cafodd y broses ei chynnal tra bod nifer o prif ysgolion ar gwyliau hanner tymor. Fel mudiad ieuenctid ein bwriad ni yw i ymgynghori gyda myfyrwyr ein hunan ac i ddatgeli’r wybodaeth i aelodau’r Cynulliad. Bydd hyn yn well adlewyrchaid o gwir teimladau myfyrwyr na ymgynghoriad y Cynulliad. Gofynnwn i ACau Plaid Cymru a Llafur i ail-estyried ei safiad ar ffioedd dysgu ychwanegol ac rydym yn gwahodd unrhyw grwp neu unigolyn i ymuno gyda n ii ffurfio mudiad ymgyrchu eang fydd yn ymgyrchu’n erbyn ail-gyflwyno ffioedd dysgu yng Nghymru.


CymruX is a movement that was partly born out of the fight against top-up fees in Wales. The strength of the broad movement contributed to the defeat of the then Labour administration, orchestrated by the Opposition parties at the time, which resulted in Wales having a much more progressive and fairer policy on fees than other parts of the UK.We have already made our feelings clear about this issue. CymruX is firmly loyal to the grassroots members of Plaid Cymru.

We believe that the Plaid Cymru Group at the Assembly should not rebel against party policy on top-up fees. We are committed to campaigning against the reintroduction of top-up fees in Wales. Today's call for a Judicial Review of the higher education funding consultation by Adam Price MP is something we support. The consultation exercise has been branded a sham by students. It was done on the quiet. Student bodies and organisations should have been actively engaged with the consultation. Individual students should also have been approached. The consultation itself was partly held during half-term at most Universities.

As a youth movement we intend to consult students ourselves and to show the results to Assembly Members. We believe this will be more representative of student feeling than the Assembly Government's botched exercise. We will be asking Plaid and Labour Assembly Members who support top-up fees to reconsider their views, and also wish to help build a broad cross-party and cross-community campaign against the reintroduction of extra fees in Wales.
