The year is nearing its end and yes, it’s been a heck of a year. This time of year, we look back at the last 12 months, and look forward to the next.
In May, David Cameron and his buddy Nick Clegg came to power. A government was ‘elected’ without a mandate and the Lib Dems ditched their principles. Yes, a very interesting year.
Students were betrayed by the Lib Dems; a part all of whose MPs signed a pledge that they would vote ‘no’ to any attempt to raise tuition fees. To those of them who stuck to their word, I raise my hat and say ‘thank you.’ But to the rest, those who abstained, for shame.
But, thanks to devolution, Welsh students are safe.
Although we look back, I prefer looking forward. 2011 will be a huge year for Wales – we have a referendum in March and our general election in May.
Let there be no doubt that the referendum in 3 months will be key to Wales’ future. If we do not secure a ‘yes’ vote, we know that there isn’t much hope for our devolution for a great number of years. (Look at the 1979 referendum – and the next one almost 20 years later.)
CymruX’s priority is securing a positive result in the referendum and we know how much work we all have ahead of us. We’ll be playing our part in the coming months, working hard on this all important campaign.
After that comes the Assembly elections and let’s hope that the new Assembly – the 4th Assembly – will get to legislate without England’s consent. Let us also hope that Ieuan Wyn Jones will lead the 4th Assembly as First Minister for Wales.
Yes, there’s quite a bit of work to be done and it’s important that we don’t neglect that, or become complacent. The next few weeks and months are of immense importance to our country and our people and indeed, CymruX is ready for the challenge ahead.
But for now, we must relax... Goodness knows we’ll appreciate it!
In that respect, we hope that you enjoyed Christmas and we wish you all, our supporters and our colleagues elsewhere, a happy, prosperous and successful 2011 – Wales deserves no less.
For Wales,
Cerith Rhys Jones
On behalf of the NEC of CymruX – Young Plaid Cymru
P.S. To those of you who wish, the launch of the Yes for Wales campaign is in Cardiff on January 4th. Email for details. Email that same address for details of how you can be part of the campaign! You can also donate to the campaign by visiting Thank you!
Avoiding the question
11 hours ago