by Luke James, Cymru X Vice-Chair
Swansea stood united yesterday to send 60 fascist protesters packing from our streets.
Members of of the Cymru X Swansea University branch joined a peaceful demonstration in Castle Square, the heart of Swansea city centre, to stop the 'Welsh Defence League' from holding a demonstration there.

Myself and Bethan Downes (Cymru X Abertawe Secretary) centre with other Swansea students.
DemoThe fascist 'Welsh Defence League' could be seen 'mobbing up' like hooligans at a pub facing onto the square.
Despite this intimidation the Unite Against Fascism demonstation didn't move an inch and held Castle Square all day to prevent the facists from taking centre stage.

Our flag not yours! - Cymru X member shows fascists they don't speak for Wales.
When the WDL tried to move in they were opposed and the police stepped in and kept them penned outside the sheep shop opposite the square for an hour before they were marched to the trainstation and dispersed.
Whilst held in the street the fascist WDL gave Nazi salutes, chanted rule britannia and burnt an anti Nazi flag.
The counter demonstration and everyone present showed that when opposed Nazi's will get nowhere, and our streets belong to the whole community and not small minded rascists.
Rhyddid,Tegwch,CymunedAt the demo I took along the Welsh republican tricolor and had a couple of questions about what it was about and what it stood for.
The green is for freedom, the white for equality and the red for community. Rhyddid, tegwch, cymuned.
That is what Cymru X and Plaid Cymru are all about, which is why I took the tricolor to fly alongside Y Draig Goch.
And I believe the tricolor represents our national future and the community of communities we are trying to build, our vision for a inclusive Welsh Republic.
Lighter momentsAlthough it was a day where passions ran high there were some very amusing moments.
Throughout the day UAF supporters had been playing bongo drums to keep up the atmosphere, this continued despite tensions rising when we faced down the fascists.

At one particuarly intense moment in the stand off when the police were moving people back, the ever indomitable Aled of Swansea Uni Gym Gym and Cymru X Abertawe turned round to a drummer and said "butt, try sticking in a counter rythem."
Which he did and to be fair it sounded a lot better.
ResultAs a result of our actions yesterday the WDL have called off their Newport demonstration. You can read more about that @
Da iawn to everyone who went and stood their ground against fascism yesterday. Dal dy dir!
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