Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Swansea Mosque Meeting

Luke James

Cymru X Vice Chair

Swansea University Plaid Cymru Society, a branch of Cymru X, and Muslims4Plaid joined up for a succesful meeting at Swansea University Mosque on Sunday.

Cardiff South and Penarth Westminster candidate Farida Aslam spoke on Plaid's response to the English Defence League and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Other members of Muslims4Plaid spoke on why they joined the party.

Our message was well received and we have been invited back to speak in 2010.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Risk it for a biscuit

Trying to do an essay so obviously I will do anything to get away from it.

Which led me to scout out some political betting - from which I have two observations.

News of our esteemed leader Caryl Wyn Jones selection as Westminster candidate for the Vale of Clwyd obviously has not reached Ladbrokes HQ because they still have Plaid Cymru at 100/1.

Actually they have Plaid Cymru 100/1 to win the Vale of Clowd, no idea where that is.

How about then 25/1 for Scotland to be independent by 2015?

Your relying on a Tory General Election win and the SNP spinning the hell out of it and creating a popular upsurge for independence. Might be worth a few quid.

Mind you I wouldn't take betting advice from me, I lost finances by backing Edwina Hart, a fiver to be specific, not as bad as some mind - spare a thought for poor Andrew Davies.

Luke James

Friday, 11 December 2009

Kernow resurgent

By Luke James
Cymru X Vice-Chair

A tip of the hat to our brothers in Kernow who could be closing in on their own their own Carmarthenshire 1966 moment.


This recent article in Western Morning News idicates a ground swell in support for Mebyon Kernow - The Party of Cornwall.

As Gwynfor Evans said in his post election speech nothing is impossible, gaining an MP for Mebyon Kernow would not set the nation free from foreign misgovernment but it would set them on there way.

Gwynfor's speech is as poignant now as it was then:

"Let us then, throughout Wales, exercise our will" and "will full nationhood for our land, if we will it this can be done."

"English government in Wales is a wretched failiure but although Wales is the worst governed nation in Europe Wales is not dead yet.

"There is life here, there is new life here - there is a new generation rising in loyalty to their land and the light we see today is not the light of a setting sun but the light of a new dawn.

"Together in the next few years it's possible for us to restore our national freedom and to set Wales once again where she should be, a free nation and a responsible member of the great community of nations in the world."

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Beth ydych chi'n ei wneud Dydd Sadwrn? What are you doing Saturday?

Dewch i helpu Myfanwy i greu hanes yn Llanelli.

Ymunwch gyda Myfanwy Davies, Helen Mary Jones a gweithwyr dros Gymru gyfan i ddosbarthu ein neges i 30,000 a dai yn Llanelli.

Dyma'n cyfle gorau eriod i sicrhau A.S Plaid Cymru dros Llanelli, er y bydd yn agos iawn.

Dewch Ddydd Sadwrn yma (5ed o Rhagfyr) i wneud eich rhan i ethol Myfanwy.

Cwrdd yn Swyddla Plaid Cymru Llanelli am 10yb.

Os hoffech mwy o wybodaeth a Dydd Sadwrn Taro Llanelli, peidiwch petruso rhag cysylltu. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gadawech i mi wybod eich bod yn dod.


Come and help Myfanwy make history in Llanelli.

Join Myfanwy Davies, Helen Mary Jones and activists from all over Wales to deliver our message to 30,000 households across Llanelli.

The next election is our best ever chance of securing a Plaid Cymru M.P for Llanelli, but it will be a close-run contest.

Join us this Saturday (5th December) and do your bit to get Myfanwy elected.

Meet us at the Plaid Cymru office from 10am onwards.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be grateful if you would let me know if you are coming.

Cofion gorau/ Best wishes,


Trefnydd/ Organiser - Plaid Cymru Llanelli
Ffon/ Phone: 01554 770345
Ebost: Email: natasha@myfanwydavies.org