"Byddai’n well gennym ni glywed neges am gymunedau Cymru a Chymru ei hun yn sefyll yn gadarn am yr hun rydym yn ei drysori – yn erbyn ymosodiadau SanSteffan i’n trysorau cenedlaethol ni. Clywed am yr ysbryd cymunedol sydd dal gennym ni fan hyn yng Nghymru. Byddwn ni ond wedi hoffi Darllediad Gwleidyddol a fyddai’n dangos bod gan Blaid Cymru hanes o amddiffyn y pethau anniriaethol, anfesuradwy hynny sydd yn diffinio’n Cymru ni fel gwlad unigryw, ac roeddwn yn meddwl y byddai gan Blaid Cymru y soffistigeiddrwydd i wneud rhywbeth felly, ac nid fel y gwelswn y darllediad gwleidyddol.”
"Dim trafod polisi, prin iawn oedd y sôn am amcanion craidd y blaid. Y frawddeg ‘Os ydych chi’n Gymry dylech chi fod yn pleidleisio i Blaid Cymru’ ond yn ein gwneud ni’n hollol rwystredig.”Mae Adam Jones o blog banw yn ychwanegu:
"Mae na le i weld diben darllediad Plaid Cymru, hynny yw ei fod e'n ceisio creu rhyw ymdeimlad o Gymreictod i ennill cefnogaeth, ond does dim sylwedd na pholisiau i'r darllediad yn hytrach mae fel bod pwy bynnag oedd yn gyfrifol am y ffilm yn ceisio dynwared rhyw dechneg spielberg a troi gwleidyddiaeth yn rhyw ddiwydiant ffilmio. Diolch i dduw bod 'da ni bobl da yn ymgeisio ac yn ymgyrchu ar lawr gwlad i ennyn cefnogaeth, achos yn gelain mae'r neges yn ein darllediad 'Beth yw Cymru' neu 'Ble mae'n polisi' yn fwy addas efallai?"Byddwn i, ynghyd ag eraill yn awgrymu newid mewn neges i gyd-fynd â neges etholiad Rhuanedd. Mae rhaid i ni ganolbwyntio ar y llwyddiannau a lledaenu'r addewidion y manifesto. Fel mae Rhuanedd yn dweud mae rhaid i ni ganu clodydd ein hunain trwy sôn am yr hyn rydym wedi cyflawni ar lefel lleol megis y rhai isod:
- Cyhoeddi help gwerth £4 miliwn i 30,000 o bensiynwyr gyda threth y cyngor yn 2010-11;
- Cynyddu'r arian a roddwyd i gynghorau lleol o 3.2%;
Yn y dyfodol mewn bwysig y rydym yn ei roi dros y ffordd yr ydym yn wahaniaethu o bleidiau eraill a pham Plaid Cymru yw'r blaid gorau a dim ond o Gymru. Bwysleisio ein cyflawniadau a llwyddiant mewn cynghorau ar draws Cymru gyfan. Yna gallwn fynd ymlaen gyda hyder ac agwedd gadarnhaol.
- Sicrhau bod cynyddiadau yn Nhreth y Cyngor yng Nghymru ar ei hisaf ers dros ddegawd;
I recently read Rhuanedd Richards article in The Welsh Nation and i was excited and confident of Plaid's message. Full of positivity and a clear message to take us into the local election. In my opinion, that message did not come across in the new party political broadcast. Many people these days connect Plaid with identity and Wales, there is no need to dedicate a whole broadcast to identity. Here's a quote from fellow Plaid members when asked what they would have preferred to see:
"I'd prefer to hear a message of Wales' communities and Wales as a whole standing up for what they value - against assaults on these values hailing from Westminster. Of an ideal of community spirit that we we still have in Wales. I'd just like a PPB that highlighted that Plaid has a history defending those intangible things of immeasurable value what define Wales for the distinct nation that it is, and that the party has a level of sophistication that is quite dismissed in the PPB I just saw."
"No talk of policy, barely any talk of core beliefs. The phrase 'if you're Welsh you should be voting Plaid Cymru' just leaves me slapping my forehead in utter disbelief."Adam Jones from blog banw added:
"There’s room to see where the motive was behind Plaid Cymru’s PPB, which is that it portrays a feeling of Welshness in order to attract support, but there wasn’t any substance to it and no policies were mentioned in the broadcast. Instead it feels that those whom are responsible for the PPB are trying to create some kind of film, some kind of Spielberg strategy of turning politics into a film industry. We’re lucky however that we have great people on the doorstep campaigning across Wales to attract new support, because I’m afraid our political broadcast will fall on deaf ears. ‘What is it to be Welsh’ or perhaps more adequately named ‘Where’s our policy?"I, along with others would suggest a change in message to correspond with Rhuanedd's election message. We have to concentrate on our achievements and let people know our manifesto promises. As Rhuanedd said we need to blow our own trumpet over our local achievements and here's a couple to name a few:
- announced £4 million to help 30,000 pensioners with council tax in 2010-11;
- increased the amount of money given to local councils by 3.2%;
In future, it's important we put over how we differ from other parties and why Plaid Cymru is the best and only party of Wales. Emphasizing our achievements and success in leading councils across Wales. We can then go forward with confidence and a positive attitude. Ymlaen.
- kept council tax increases in Wales the lowest for more than a decade.
Branwen Alaw Evans
hear hear.
Da iawn!
Da iawn Branwen! Well said! X
Well done Branwen Alaw x
Cytuno i raddau. Baswn i wedi hoffi gweld pwyslais ar amcanion polisi hefyd, gan nad oedd y darllediad yn cyffwrdd ar rheini o gwbl.
Rwy'n gweld beth mae'r Blaid yn trio gwneud er hynny - i nifer o'n cefnogwyr mwy traddodiadol, ac i nifer o bleidleiswyr ar lawr gwlad, mae ethol Leanne Wood fel arweinydd wedi bod yn sioc i'r system - bwriad y darllediad, fel y gwelaf i'r peth, oedd eu darbwyllo nhw bod Plaid Cymru yn dal i fod yn Blaid hollol Gymreig i'r carn. Cawn weld, fodd bynnag, ar Fai'r 4ydd, beth bydd y canlyniadau!
Nice post. Think the PPB must have been put together before the Leanne Wood era.
For what it's worth, work by Richard Wyn Jones and Roger Scully shows that alot of voters are already convinced of Plaid's Welshness and also feel positive or friendly towards the party. But they would still rather vote Labour. You can't sustain a party on being Welsh alone. There almost certainly needs to be a policy backbone and a record of achievement.
Plaid actually has both good policies and a good record (esp in local government) but for some reason chooses not to talk about them. They are much more progressive than Labour in running councils but you'd never know. Still let's look to the future and important for people to have their say.
Nice piece of writing from the youth though, you're allowed to be outspoken and Leanne almost certainly reads these posts.
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