Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Bring on the fun......

So here it is.... for all those of you still umm-ing and haa-ing over coming to Ysgol Haf, we bring you the timetable!!

Ysgol Haf 2009 will focus on campaigning and canvassing techniques - the timetable is chockers with all those 'transferable skills' that they bang on about in Uni... with the exception that THIS WILL BE FUN!!! So, without further ado...

Friday: Ysgol Haf opens at half 3, with a welcome from Adam Price MP and an introduction to the fun by the Chief Exec. Workshops for friday include "Canvassing Techniques", "Westminster Election Planning" (note to self, MUST attend) and "Winning in New Territory". Afterwards, dinner (just typing that made me peckish) and a, as yet untitled, social event - this will be where the alcohol and bowling lanes collide I'm hoping!!

Barring hangovers, Saturday will start with breakfast at 8 (let's just ignore that, shall we??), and workshops at 9. Workshops on Saturday sound really, really interesting - take your pick from "the importance of design", "developing local manifestos" and "local press comunications" before lunch!! There will also be the Cymru X event, "Cymru X Does Glan Llyn" with the Cymru X National Exec - details to follow! I am as in the dark as you are about this, and being a NEC member I am more than a little nervous (I dont like surprises Chair!)! :S

After lunch, workshops include "Learning from Other Parties" and "Challenges & Opportunities". Evening activities include a Mock Election Night with the Campaigns Unit and more of those lovely 'social events'. Whoohoo!!

Sunday (thank the lord) starts a bit later at 10.30, with a session on Creating a Winning Team of Activists, and Ysgol Haf closes at 12.15 with lunch at half past!!

Now... am I the only one who thinks that it's going to be a blast?? ;o)

Posted by Natasha Cody, Campaigns Officer - Cymru X NEC

Friday, 26 June 2009

Confensiwn Cymru Gyfan?

Mae’r daith wedi dod i ben ar ôl 6 mis hir mewn 23 lleoliad. Felly beth yw’r canlyniad?

Trafod dyfodol Cymru oedd prif ddiben y daith wrth yn gyntaf hyrwyddo’r ffordd mae’r Cynulliad yn gweithio ar hyn o bryd ac yna gofyn barn Cymry ar roi mwy o bwerau deddfu i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Mi fydd adroddiad yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn mis Tachwedd ar yr ymateb a gasglwyd.

Ond ydy’r daith wedi meidryddu barn y cyhoedd? Ydy’r confensiwn wedi llwyddo ennyn diddordeb y cyhoedd? A’i barn y cyhoedd yn gyffredinol sydd wedi cael ei ystyried?

Mis Tachwedd fydd hi cyn cael ateb dybiwn i. Ond yn sicr mae’r daith wedi codi ymwybyddiaeth ar y posibilrwydd boed yn bwyntiau positif neu negatif ar gael refferendwm ar fwy o bwerau i’r Cynulliad. Cyhoeddodd Syr Emyr Jones Parry sef Cadeirydd y confensiwn ei bryder ar bwysigrwydd y mater o refferendwm ar hyn o bryd yng Nghymru. Mae gen i ofn fy mod i’n cytuno ac mai amseriad y refferendwm fydd yn holl bwysig er mwyn cael canlyniad teg sy’n adlewyrchu yr hyn mae Cymru wir angen.

Yn amlwg ni alla i weld unrhyw ffordd effeithiol ymlaen i Gymru os nad yw’r Senedd yn derbyn pwerau deddfu llawn. Mae’r system LCO yn wirion bost! System felltigedig o araf heb sôn am y gem ping pong nol a mlaen o’r Cynulliad i San Steffan.
Sut allai’r Arglwydd Trystan Garel-Jones gefnogi mwy o ddatganoli ond o dan yr un system LCO? Mae’n egluro’r system fel un “step by step”. Wel ia mi gytunai oni bai bod na gant a mil o stepia!

Fy ngobaith yw bod canlyniad adroddiad y confensiwn yn adlewyrchu yr hyn mae pobol Cymru eisiau, ac nad yw amseriad gwael neu anrhefn yn tarfu ar ganlyniad teg a chyfiawn.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Save the Vulcan campaign success

Congratulations are in order this week for everybody involved with the Save the Vulcan campaign in Cardiff aimed at saving the long term future of one of the oldest pubs in Cardiff.

The Vulcan Hotel was earmarked for closure as part of the ongoing re-development of the city to accomodate for the new St David's 2 shopping complex. Campaigners have recently received the good news that the owner and would-be developer, Rapport are to offer a new three-year lease to The Vulcan Hotel.

While this is excellent news for the short term survival of the pub, doubts still remain over its long term future and a lot more hard work needs to be put in to ensure its survival.

Plaid's Alan Ffred Jones AM and Welsh Culture Minister deserves a special mention for his work in saving the pub, along with Leanne Wood AM, and Deputy Leader of Cardiff Council, Neil Mcavoy.

If anybody would like to get involved in the campaign or receive more information it is available here.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Toriadau o Fewn Addysg Uwch

gan Jenny-Ann Hopkin

Yn ddiweddar mae’n amlwg fod llawer o bwyslais wedi bod o fewn y cyfryngau yn son am y toriadau sydd wedi ei wneud o fewn addysg uwch. Rwy’n meddwl efallai, fod rhai ddim yn sylweddoli faint o bobl mae hwn yn effeithio arno, nid yn unig yn uniongyrchol, ond yn y pen draw.

Mae toriadau yn cael ei wneud yng ngholegau a canolfannau chweched dosbarth, sydd yn meddwl fod staff yn colli oriau, neu swyddi’n gyfan gwbl. Ond mae hwn hefyd yn effeithio ar disgyblion sydd methu astudio’r cyrsau maent eisiau oherwydd diffyg arian. Mae nifer o ddisgyblion wedi gwynebu hwn yn barod wrth wneud eu dewisiadau Lefel A, a dysgu eu fod methu dilyn y cwrs maent eisiau, oherwydd fod yr Ysgol neu’r Coleg methu fforddio i gadw’r cwrs i fynd. Mae hwn yn amlygu’i hunain mewn cyrsiau nad sydd mor boblogaidd ar Lefel A, megis ieithoedd fel Almaeneg ac ati. Gall hwn effeithio’n fawr ar dyfodol rhai unigolion, sydd yn dibynnu ar rhai Lefelau A arbennig i medru dilyn ei cwrs ddewisiedig yn y Brif Ysgol.

Wrth edrych o safbwynt staff, gyda fwyfwy o bobl yn colli swyddi, mae’n amser anodd iawn, gyda pwysau enfawr ar aelodau staff. Mae rhai’n dysgu fod yr Ysgol/Coleg methu fforddio i gynnal eu chwrs, a felly nid oes swydd iddynt rhagor, neu o fewn pynicau craidd megis Y Gymraeg a Mathemateg, fod rhaid i rhai aelodau staff colli rhai oriau oherwydd does dim digon o arian efo’r Ysgol/Coleg i rhoi swydd llawn amser iddynt.

Gwyddwn fod Plaid Cymru yn ceisio gweithio i wella’r sefyllfa, a dywedodd Dai Lloyd wrth son am Coleg Gorseinon, sydd yn ddiweddar wedi gwynebu amser caled. “Plaid feels strongly that we should try and protect key educational services locally’. Mae’r Coleg wedi gorfod meddwl am cau un o’i ganolfannau oherwydd diffyg arian, ac mae pwysau mawr ar staff y coleg, i wneud penderfyniadau anodd, fydd yn effeithio dyfodol y Coleg a’i fyfyrwyr.

Newyddion dda, sy’n dod a gobaith yw’r ffaith fod gennym Aelodau Seneddol fel Bethan Jenkins, sydd yn cynrychioli’r Blaid yn cydweithio a Dai Lloyd i wella’r sefyllfa. Hefyd, fod ein Plaid ni, yn gweithio ac yn ymgyrchu dros ein Colegau a’n canolfannau Cweched Dosbarth i sicrhau fod eu staff a’i fyfyrwyr yn cael y cyfleoedd gorau, i sicrhau fod gobaith iddynt yn y dyfodol, i rhoi’r cyfleoedd gorau i’r Cymry sydd yn astudio yma.

Keeping up with the Kinnocks

Os fyddai'n ddigon ffodus i raddio hâ' ma, mi fydd na bosibilrwydd go gryf y byddai yn ysgwyd llaw gyda Mr Neil Kinnock. Y fo ydi Llywydd Prifysgol Caerdydd. Dwi wedi cael y (fraint) o'i gyfarfod o'r blaen, erbyn meddwl mi gynigiodd o waith i mi yn swyddfa ei wraig ym Mrwsel. Ond mai di rhoi'r gora i hynny erbyn rwan, efallai mod i'n gwybod pam…

Mae Neil a'i wraig Glenys wedi derbyn dros ddeng miliwn mewn arian lwfans ac haeddiannau pensiwn yn ystod eu hamser yn gweithio yn y Senedd Ewropeaidd yn Mrwsel. Mae'r ffigwr anferthol yma wedi ei ddatguddio gan y grwp 'Open Europe'. Think Tank yw Open Europe sydd yn ymgyrchu am well tryloywder o dreuliau ASE'au.

Dim ond mater o amser fydd hi pan fydd rhaid datgelu treuliau ASE'au hefyd. Nid oes gan etholwyr Prydian lawer o hyder yn eu aelodau etholedig mwyach felly bydd rhaid datgelu y treuliau gan aelodau o'r Senedd Ewropeaidd.
Nid yw Neil nac Glenys wedi rhoi unrhyw ddatganiad i'r wasg ynglyn a cheisio cyfiawnhau y swm swmpus o £10 miliwn eto. Mae'r tren greifi Ewropeaidd wedi cyraedd y steshon ac mae'r ddau yn neidio ffwrdd.

Mae'n amser caled ar nifer o bobol nawr gyda di-weithdra ar ei waethaf yr economi yn araf ac nifer o weithwyr yn cael eu penisynau wedi ei cwtogi. Ac felly mae clywed am y Kinnock's yn derbyn cymaint o arian yn fy ngwneud i'n gyfoglyd. Nid ydwi'n honni am un eiliad na ddylsai'r ddau gael tâl am eu gwaith ond yn hytrach bod y tâl hwnnw yn deg.

Felly os yw Neil a Glenys eisiau cael gwared o dipyn bach o'r arian, mae gen i 'chydig o syniadau.

*Talu fy menthyciad myfyriwr. - Anhebygol
*Cyfrannu £500,000 at Gist Brwydr 2011 Plaid - Anhebygol Iawn!
*Cyfrannu ar gadw Ysbytai ac Ysgolion Cymru ar agor.- Llafur ddim yn cîn
*Cadw'r DFB rhag cau ym Mhen y Bont ar Ogwr?

Mae'r rhestr yn faith.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Camau Treiddgar yn y Bae

gan Cerith Rhys Jones

Mi fydd rhai pobl gwrth-ddatganoli’n dweud y lleiaf o bŵerau sydd ym Mae Caerdydd, y gorau. Byddan nhw’n dweud ni fyddai Cymru fach yn gallu goroesi fel gwlad sydd ganddi fwy o hunan-ymreolaeth nag sydd yn bresennol. Sut fedrwn ni amddiffyn ein hunain?, fydd eu cwestiwn hwy. Sut fedrwn ni gynnal gwasanaethau cyhoeddus?, fyddai cwestiwn arall. Ond os nad oes gan Gymru hunan-ymreolaeth ym maes fydd, yn y blynyddoedd nesaf, yn tyfu mewn pwysigrwydd, sef yr amgylchedd a newid hinsawdd, fy nghwestiwn i ydy sut fedrwn ni oroesi’r argyfwng newid hinsawdd?

Gweler Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru fel un o lywodraethau rhanbarthol blaenllaw’r byd pan ddaw hi at dargedau torri carbon; targed Cymru yw, o 2011 ymlaen, i dorri allyriadau carbon gan 3% yn flynyddol. Ond ydyw’r targed hynny’n ddigon? Ddim yn ôl yr Athro Kevin Anderson (Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil, Canolfan Tyndall D.U.); mi ddywedodd ef wrth Gomisiwn Newid Hinsawdd Llywodraeth y Cynulliad fyddai’n well cael targed o deirgwaith yr un presennol. Gallai codiad o 4°c yn nhymeredd y byd olygu fod llawer o dde Ewrop yn troi’n anialwch, fod 85% o fforest law yr Amason yn marw ac fod ‘bom amser’ carbon yn cael ei adael bant oddi ar briddellau yn yr Arctig. Mae daroganau’n awgrymu, ymhen hanner canrif, fydd Cymru mwy fel Groeg ac fydd Groeg yn ddidrigiadwy.

Er fod gan Gymru Weinidog dros yr Amgylchedd, Cynaliadwydd a Thai, dim ond pŵerau cyfyngedig ynghylch yr amgylchedd a newid hinsawdd sy’n bodoli yn y Senedd. Ac serch hynny, mae Cymru’n Un, sef llywodraeth clymblediol Llafur/Plaid Cymru, wedi gwneud popeth yn ei allu i weithredu targedau, newidiadau a strategaethau sydd wir yn arwain y ffordd ym Mhrydain a’r byd. Ond dydy cyrraedd rhwymedigaethau’r Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006 ddim yn ddigon – dylai fod gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru hollbŵer yn y maes er mwyn iddo wneud gwahaniaeth treiddgar yng Nghymru fydd yn effeithiol ar bobl Cymru mewn modd cadarnhaol.

Enghraifft o modd tanseiliwyd llywodraeth Cymru’n ddiweddar yw’r terfynell nwy naturiol hylifol (LNG) yn Sir Benfro, fe’i agorwyd gan EM y Frenhines, EUB Dug Caeredin ac EUB Dug Efrog yn ychwanegol at Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned a’r Sheikha Hind Bint Hamad Al-Thani (Teulu Brenhinol Catâr) ar Fai’r 12fed 2009. Rhoddwyd caniatâd sefydlu’r terfynell gan San Steffan heb ystyried Bae Caerdydd, ac heb orfod gwneud ddefnydd o’r gwres mi fydd yn cynhyrchu drwy gynllun gwres a phŵer cyfunedig (CHP). Mae pŵerau cyfyngedig y llywodraeth hefyd yn golygu ni fyddai gan y Cynulliad ddweud ar os arddodir gorsaf pŵer niwclear arnom, serch cynllun i Gymru fod yn hunangynhaliol yn egni adnewyddadwy, a gwrthiant eang yn erbyn egni niwclear yn ein gwlad.

Er crêd a gobeithion nifer o bobl, y mae Cymru yn wlad sydd yn gyfoethog yn ei chyfleoedd i feithrin egni adnewyddadwy. ‘Rydym yn wlad sydd yn llawn bryniau ac sydd wedi ei amgylchynu bron yn gyfan gwbl gan ddŵr. Mae’r cyfleoedd ar gael ini ac y mae’n bwysig felly, ini sicrhau ein bod yn ymfalchïo ynddynt hwy, a gwneud y gorau ohonynt. Cymru yw’r allyrwr 13eg uchaf o garbon i bob person yn y byd i gyd, ac hynny serch y ffaith fod ein llywodraeth yn arwain y ffordd ynghylch torriadau yn allyriadau nwyon tŷ-gwydr.

Beth yw llywodraeth ond corff ffuriwyd i ddeddfu dros bobl y wlad, ac felly, paham na roddir pŵerau deddfu go iawn i’n llywodraeth ni fel ei fod yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth dda, effeithiol a gweithredol yng Nghymru fel ein bod yn manteisio ar yr holl cyfleoedd sydd gennym fel gwlad?

Ym mis Rhagfyr elenni, bydd y Cenhedloedd Unedig yn cynnal trafodaethau yng Nghopenhagen i ddilyn y “Kyoto Protocol” ac fydd ein Gweinidog Amgylchedd ni yn cynrychioli Cymru yno. Mae nifer o bobl yn disgwyl ar y trafodaethau fel cyfle olaf i wneud gwahaniaeth gweithredol ynghylch newid hinsawdd cyn i drychinebau anferthol cymryd llef. Trychinebau fydd, o bosib, yn cymryd bywydau miloedd hyd yn oed milynau o bobl, ac yn dadleoli miliynau eraill. Ar ôl i lefel dŵr y môr godi, byddwn yn colli llawer o dir ac fydd clefydau megis y cryd (malaria) yn lledaenu’n eang hyd
yn oed yma yng Nghymru a Phrydain. Bydd y gwres anioddefol yn golygu problemau mawr i ddioddefwr clefydau resbiradol megis y fogfa (asthma). Serch ein hymdrechion presennol, mi fydd y problemau yma i gyd yn digwydd. Yr unig beth gallwn ni wneud yw ymdrechu i leihau unrhyw niwed pellach. Fydd trafodaethau’r C.U. yn rhoi’r cyfle yna i ni – ac mae’n hanfodol bwysig ein bod, fel hîl, yn cymryd y cyfle.

Yr union sefyllfa sydd yng Nghymru – dyma’n cyfle olaf ni i wneud wir gwahaniaeth ac mae’n hanfodol bwysig ein bod, fel cenedl, yn ei gymryd. Ond os nad oes gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru’r pŵer cyfreithlon i ddeddfu ynghylch newid hinsawdd yn hytrach na San Steffan, pa gobaith sydd ini achub ein hunain? Pa gobaith sydd ini wneud wir gwahaniaeth? Dim.

Af yn ôl i’r baragraff cyntaf: “Sut fedrwn ni amddiffyn ein hunain?, fydd eu cwestiwn hwy. Sut fedrwn ni gynnal gwasanaethau cyhoeddus?, fyddai cwestiwn arall.” Ers amser, mae gwyddonwyr wedi rhybuddio os nad ydym yn cymryd camau sylweddol a chryn yn erbyn newid hinsawdd, ni fyddwn yn gallu amddiffyn ein hunain na chynnal gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Ac felly os nad oes gan Gymru’r teclynau i gyflawni’i swydd, mae fy nghwestiwn gwreiddiol i’n ailymddangos: “sut fedrwn ni oroesi’r argyfwng newid hinsawdd?”

Rhaid trosglwyddo holl bŵerau deddfu dros newid hinsawdd a’r amgylchedd i Fae Caerdydd nawr, er mwyn gwneud cyfraith a chymryd camau treiddiol, effeithiol, yng Nghymru, gan Gymry ac i Gymru.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Does Scotland Deserve Devolution More?

So Scotland is to be given 'radical' new powers?

At least, a new report says so anyway. The Calman Commission says Holyrood should take charge of half the income tax raised in Scotland and control national speed limits, drink-driving laws and airguns legislation. This would all mean that MSPs would end up controlling more than a third of the Scottish budget.

All the opposition parties, as well as the SNP, have welcomed the report, although the SNP hold reservations - they say that Scotland should have full fiscal autonomy.

I just don't understand. Why does every political party in Scotland seem to support more power for Scotland, seem to welcome further devolution - while in Wales, we have to battle for even tentative support for these things?

Even the Tory leader in Scotland said, "this is a hugely significant and thorough piece of work. It is our duty to cement Scotland's place in the Union and to strengthen devolution." Yet the All Wales Convention is travelling the length and breadth of Wales and still nobody seems to care or know about what's going on with a possible referendum - and let's face it, it's hard to care. It's really boring, learning about the LCO process, Assembly Measures, blah blah, yawn yawn.

We need to figure out how to get people interested, young people, elderly people, and everyone in between. What's Scotland doing that we're not? Any ideas?!

To see the report, click here.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Summer School - Why you need to go!

By Luke James

I had only read accounts from dusty books about summer schools being part of life as a Plaid Cymru member and patriot so I am excited at the opportunity to attend one this year.

After receiving the Cymru X email giving all young members of Plaid Cymru the chance to come along to the summer school in Bala from July 10th – 12th , and for the bargain price of £20, I wanted to find out more.

So today I headed for the depths of Swansea University library and managed to find the official programme for the 1962 Pontarddulais conference and summer school.

The 1962 affair was certainly longer than the weekend event this year; in 1962 the party met over 5 days to plan a way forward for Wales. I suspect this year’s event might be a little more informal minus the conference too.

The programme's youth report is encouraging with four new branches at Denbigh, Newcastle Emlyn, Monmouth and even Birmingham University having been established.

“The 1962 Youth Summer School will have greater emphasis on practical nationalism with loudspeaker canvassing…” and it goes on describing how the party intended to “furnish” its young activists with the information and arguments they needed to take the message of a free and fair Wales to the people.

And then I flicked through the motions and saw what this generation achieved.

The Penycae branch submitted a Welsh language television motion calling for the BBC to give Welsh language programmes earlier slots in the schedule. Now we have two Welsh language television channels with a broad and appealing output.

And again the Penycae branch raised Welsh in education at the ’62 conference, they talked about the decreasing number of children who speak Welsh in Wales, but now I live a stones throw away from a thriving Welsh primary school which is amongst hundreds.

I tip my hat to the Penycae massive.

And in motion 6, a short term programme for Wales submitted by the executive council stated: “The establishment of National Boards for Wales for Transport, Water, Electricity and coal” and “Establishment of National cultural institutions such as National Theatre, National Opera House, National Orchestra, National Art Gallery, National Sporting Organisation and Stadium” as priorities.

All of these things the youth of this generation fought for and won with the party, and what they won was the survival of this nation.

Now our generation and Cymru X must fulfil its role, by attending the summer school and learning how to fight political battles.

I for one am truly grateful to everyone in this party before us who have laid the foundations for our generation to win independence and a more prosperous nation for the people of Wales.

And remember just four years later in the 1966 General Election Gwynfor Evans was elected, the first Plaid Cymru electoral victory.

Afterwards Gwynfor said: “There’s new life here, there is a new generation rising in loyalty to their land. And the light we see today is not the light of a setting sun but the light of a new dawn and together in the next few years it’s possible for us to restore our national freedom and to set Wales once again where she should be – A free nation and a responsible member of the great community of nations in the world.”

So… who’s giving me a lift to Glan Llyn?

For further information please contact Tŷ Gwynfor on 029 20 475926 or email postcymrux@googlemail.com.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

'Plaid Greenland' wins their election!

Greenland's nearest equivalent to Plaid Cymru has won the recent Parliamentary Elections there. Greenland recently achieved a record level of autonomy from Denmark, and Inuit Ataqatigiit ('Inuit Community'), a leftist party promoting socialism and Greenlandic nationalism will now lead the government. They won 43% of the vote, increasing their seats from 14 to 31 in the Greenlandic parliament. The social democratic Siumut have been ousted for the first time in 30 years.

As they are very much a youth-dominated party, it could be worth Cymru X building links with them. Their programme of government should be interesting, although it will undoubtedly be hard to find up to date news about politics in Greenland.
If you do happen to speak Danish or Greenlandic however, you can visit their website!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Etholiad Ewropeaidd / European Election 2009

Erbyn hyn, mae yn amlwg fod Llafur wedi colli’r Etholiad Ewropeaidd yng Nghymru.

Llwyddodd y Ceidwadwyr i gynyddu eu pleidlais o bron i 2% ac ennill y bleidlais genedlaethol yng Nghymru am y tro cyntaf erioed. Er hynny, yr oedd perfformiad Plaid Cymru hefyd yn gryf, a chynyddu wnaeth ein pleidlais ninnau, gydag ail-ethol Jill Evans i Senedd Ewrop.

Yn naturiol, rydym yn siomedig fod y Torïaid yn gwneud yn dda, ond bydd ein henillion ni a’r modd y perfformiodd Plaid mewn llefydd megis Llanelli lle bu aelodau Cymru X yn helpu, yn caniatáu i ni ddal ati i adeiladu at y dyfodol. Dal i gynyddu y mae’r gefnogaeth i’r Blaid ym mhob etholiad ers 2007.

Chwaraeon aelodau Cymru X rôl allweddol ym mhob cwr o Gymru yn yr ymgyrch hon, a bu’n un llwyddiannus. Mae llawer o genedlaetholwyr ifanc wedi dysgu sgiliau newydd ac wedi magu mwy o hyder yn ystod ymgyrch yr etholiad. Carem ddiolch i Jill Evans sydd yn wastad wedi cefnogi Cymru X, ac edrychwn ymlaen at ei gweld yn parhau i ymgyrchu dros Gymru yn Ewrop.

By now it is clear that Labour have lost the European Elections in Wales.

The Conservatives managed to increase their vote by almost 2% and win the national poll in Wales, for the first time ever. Plaid Cymru's performance however, was also strong and we saw our vote increase as well, with Jill Evans being returned to the European Parliament.

Naturally we are disappointed at the Tories doing well, but our own gains and the way Plaid performed in places such as Llanelli where Cymru X members helped, will allow us to keep building for the future. Support for Plaid continues to increase at every election since 2007.

Cymru X members have played a pivotal role throughout Wales in this campaign and it has been a succesful one. Many young nationalists have learnt new skills and boosted their confidence during the election campaign. We would like to thank Jill Evans who has always supported Cymru X, and look forward to seeing her continue to campaign for Wales in Europe.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Cymru X podcast!

As part of our ongoing efforts to utilise the everchanging world of communications, we have launched our first ever Podcast, featuring the chair of Cymru X, Caryl Wyn Jones. We hope to make regular podcasts available to all, featuring both Cymru X executive members and prominent Plaid officials.

If anybody has any views on what they would like to hear in our podcasts then please get in touch via the usual email address (postcymrux@googlemail.com).

Here is the link to access both the Welsh and English versions of the podcast.

Hope you enjoy and look out for the second edition coming your way very soon!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

"Vote for Plaid" - from The Guardian!

Yes, that eminent left wing broadsheet has come out as Welsh nationalist!

Well, almost. At least, one of their most famous and well respected journalists, George Monbiot (http://www.monbiot.com/) has admitted that his vote is coming to us for the European elections WHICH ARE TOMORROW ...


... and that he considers us:

"a green, progressive, effective political force."

And how right he is!

Plaid is really on a roll at the moment... We are so close - just 24 hours away from beating Labour in Wales for the first time in almost a century.

Get out the vote tomorrow. If not for me, for George and his friends at the Guardian (!)

See http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/georgemonbiot/2009/jun/02/georg-monbiot-european-elections for the full story.

The final hurdle- what young people can do to help Plaid tomorrow

It's the home straight, final hurdle, and the last push. You could even think up your own sports-themed metaphor and it would appropriately describe the situation we're in. It's election day tomorrow and Plaid Cymru has found itself in a very good position to gain support.

Because our politicians have not been corrupt, activists all over Wales are reporting that we are receiving a very favourable response on the doorsteps. Cymru X members have played a huge part in distributing thousands of leaflets and canvassing in dozens of constituencies. The party's campaign has been energetic and positive, and keeping track of everything through the internet and social networking websites has proved to be a huge morale raiser- even introducing a bit of competition between different teams to see who is delivering the most leaflets! Before we go any further we should congratulate all of our candidates for a vibrant campaign taking in the whole of Wales, surely the strongest and most visible team out of any of the parties standing here.

Protest votes are in the air and are up for grabs. Turnout is going to be very low, but people that do vote seem inclined to send a message to Gordon Brown about the expenses scandal. Alot of the protest votes might go to racist and negative parties such as UKIP and the BNP, but here Plaid Cymru is a positive and internationalist alternative to the racists and fascists. Increasing our support at this European Election will be a vote of confidence in Plaid Cymru's role as the party for the people of Wales, no matter where they are from or what colour their skin is. It will send a clear message out that people in Wales are turning away from the corrupt British parties and supporting Jill Evans in Europe. We may even win the national election and the second seat. Anything is possible.

This is what you can do to help- everything now depends on the final push and getting our vote out. If you are based in South Wales or near Cardiff then you can contact Ty Gwynfor (go to the Plaid website and call them or email them- they won't bite) and come to the headquarters tomorrow to help with telephone canvassing. It's easy and there will be refreshments!

If you are based elsewhere you can also help by emailing the Campaigns Unit (again, go to the Plaid website) and ask for a list of numbers that you could canvass from home.

Let's all make a last minute effort to get a strong voice for Wales in Europe!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Update ...

... just to let you know, the following email was sent to the delightful Ms Waugh on behalf of CymruX today:

Dear Ms Waugh,

You might be interested in today’s blog post:


Thank you for your pointless ramblings.

We’re sure Evelyn would be proud of your literary prowess.

CymruX - Young Plaid Ifanc

Childish, but fun.

Daisy - Dopey or Dangerous? Or Just Dreary?

In case the rest of you missed it, here are some lovely extracts from an article that was sent to me by at least three other people, outraged at the rude and untrue writing from a journalist on a supposedly respectable paper.

On May 17, Daisy Waugh wasted an entire page doodling her ill informed opinions of Wales in a Sunday Times article.

"Poor old Wales. What’s actually wrong with it? Does anyone know? Apart from the unpronounceable road signs, which don’t really matter, and the rainfall, which can’t be much worse than, say, in Bristol, and the slightly irritating devotion to a language only kept alive by government edict and European subsidies [excuse me?!] - apart from all that, it’s just the same as anywhere else in Britain, isn’t it? Mostly green and pleasant. And a lot dozier than London.

There’s not much we’re allowed to snigger at in polite company any more. And yet somehow fat people and the whole of Wales slipped through the sensitivity net.
[It's called racism, you rude ignoramus.]

Nice house. Amazing price. Just a shame it’s in bloody Waaayells."

Seriously? Seriously?! And the English wonder why we want shot of the Union!

At least the dry wit of the correspondent who wrote to the Times the next week sums up a lot of what I would like to say to her, and far more eloquently I might add:

"I enjoyed Daisy Waugh’s article on Wales. Clearly, perspicacious commentary from journalists is too much to expect these days. I look forward to reading Waugh’s views on the Ainu culture, the conflict in the Gaza Strip and the plight of Cochabamba mountain finch, about which I can only assume she will be just as balanced and incisive. Just please don’t let her spoil things by doing any research beforehand."

Peredur Davies, Llangwyllog, Anglesey

So there you have it. English writer once again conforms to stereotype. It's all so predictable - and so boring. Grow up please Daisy. And don't come back. There's a reason we charge more than a fiver to get in. We'd rather like to keep out the riff-raff if that's okay with you.

By the way, if you would like to contribute to her email inbox, please feel free to write to:


Spam 'em with dryly witty missives. Go on, you know you want to.